2 min readMar 16, 2021

Two weeks after the stealth launch, $PIG protocol has achieved a tremendous growth:

🤝 Community has reached almost 11000 holders, 5000 active telegram members and 2000 followers on twitter 📈

💰 The liquidity is at 570 000$ and continuously growing thanks to the 3 % tax and forever locked= SAFU 🔒

🌎 Is 100% decentralized and governed by the community - A token by the people for the people, PIGsters together strong! 🐷

🔥 The blackhole (burn adress) has already absorbed 53.8% of the total supply and is automatically and exponentially burning more every transaction 💥

The NFT storm ⚡️

NFTs are one of the biggest trends in 2021, PIGsters are cool and want to be part of this 👾

We are excited to announce a new partnership with Nifty and our own $PIG NFT marketplace & Piggy Bank Farm 🐖🏦🧑‍🌾

At the same time, we will launch the “Piggies Base Set: First Edition Series” to reward our enthousiastic PIGsters with original $PIG NFTs 🐽

Pigsters will be able to farm NFT’s with their $PIG in the Piggy Bank 🏛

The first series will be limited to 300 NFTs 🔥

PIGKACHU Piggies Base Set: First Edition Series

What is this PIG bling? 😎

We will soon introduce the VIPIG CLUB to thank and reward loyal $PIG holders…

For now we can only tell you that you will need to hold a certain amount of $PIG to enter this private club.

VIPIGsters will be entitled to some exclusive privileges…

Thank you for being part of the PIG family this is just the beginning…🤗


🌍 Website https://pigtoken.finance
🎲 Telegram PIG chat https://t.me/PigTokenBSC
🐦 Twitter https://twitter.com/Pig_Finance

📊 Livecoinwatch https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/PIGToken-PIG

📝Token Adress 0x8850d2c68c632e3b258e612abaa8fada7e6958e5

💵Buy Pancakeswap https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance


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